Create Wealth - Subdivide Land

Undeveloped land with the potential for development, is wealth waiting for you.

Read – How I Began as a Subdivision Developer“, go to, ABOUT ME, on the following page.

The magnitude of wealth generated from land beginning in the earliest days of our country, can really be appreciated by the following valuations of the land of three of the founding fathers of the United States, all also Presidents, at the peak of their wealth, as adjusted to 2018 dollars.

  • George Washington       $587,000,000        8,000 acres  (only J.F.K. and possibly Trump are wealthier)
  • Thomas Jefferson           $236,800,000        5,000 acres
  • James Madison                $113,300,000         5,000 acres

A non-founding father who was also a president in the early years of our country was the last one with significant wealth from land holdings.

  • Andrew Jackson               $132,600,000         1,050 acres

In the 181 years since President Andrew Jackson, many individuals have made significant fortunes from land development, and many tens of thousands of others though not reaching fortune levels, were still well rewarded by developing land.

Today vast land tracts in many parts of the country are less common, particularly in the East, but Developers subdividing land still find it extremely lucrative.  Depending upon where you are located in the country, even a small subdivision project with limited lot yield can still generate significant profits.


Maximize your profits by subdividing, versus selling your land tract.

So, whether you are considering subdividing land you own, even if a one-time event, or wanting to begin a subdivision development business, or you are presently a homebuilder wanting to move into developing your own subdivisions, be prepared.

Be Prepared.  So how is one to be prepared?  By taking my advisory course to guide you.

My advisory guidance comes from years of experience in my two businesses which were very interrelated, providing me with the extensive expertise I offer herein:

  1. My professional consultant land surveying and engineering practice designing residential
    subdivisions for developers, and
  2. Personally developing residential subdivisions, both individually and in partnerships.

Starting with, “CHAPTER ONE – SEEKING A PROPERTY”, it will enable you to determine whether you should, or should not, make an offer to purchase a property for subdivision purposes.  My expertise continues through a total of fifteen chapters packed with the information you need to have for a successful and profitable career as a developer of subdivisions.

Developing residential subdivisions, requires much more than acquiring land, the key is understanding the fundamentals of land development, no different than the owner of any other type of business  understanding their specific business fundamentals to be successful.  My advisory expertise herein offers you the information to have the opportunity to be successful.

In seeking a parcel of land to subdivide, there are three basic commonalities:

  1. Parcel size;
  2. Extent of existing road frontage, and;
  3. Will road construction be required.

Each parcel type has different time frames for design, consultant fees, application/presentation requirements, and infrastructure construction costs, the following are basic differences: 

  1. Land with existing road frontage, no road construction – very minimal time and expenses;
  2. Land as above, plus rear lots requiring construction of driveways from the existing street – typically
    similar time frame, and minimal expenses but higher than in ‘A’;
  3. Land as in ‘B’ above, but also requiring internal road construction:

1.) Subdivision design and approval, no road construction – moderate to significant time frame,
and typically moderate expenses;

2.) As in ‘1’ above, but with road construction – similar time frame and highest expenses.


A.) Property with significant existing road frontage and no infrastructure construction:

1.) Property (Boundary) Survey;

2.) Inspection for presence of wetlands (inland and/or tidal);

3.) Wetlands Boundary Map (when present), its location and types of wetland soils;

4.) Subdivision Map;

5.) Topographic Map (aerial photogrammetry; or field survey; or U.S.G.S. maps), if required;

6.) if lots are to be served by individual onsite sanitary systems, acceptable soil testing;

7.) Application fees of regulatory agencies;

8.) Presentation of applications by professionals such as: land surveyor; engineer; or an attorney;

9.) Preparation of legal documents.

B.) Property as described in ‘A’ above, but also requiring rear lot driveway construction:

1.) All the above (‘A’, 1-9) plus as follows;

2.) Engineering of proposed driveway(s), and if crossing wetlands, a regulated activity design plan.

C.) Property as described in ‘A’ and ‘B’ above, and including internal road construction:

1.) Engineering plans of roads and their storm water drainage systems;

2.) Engineering plans for post development detention and /or retention of storm water;

3.) Plan to mitigate permanent disturbance of environmentally sensitive areas, such as wetlands;

4.) Engineering plans for any off-site construction, such as, improvements to an existing road.

About Land Development Advisors USA

How I Began As A Subdivision Developer